Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium Picolinate for Sugar Withdrawal

Dr Jampolis told Dr Oz that there are supplements she prescribes to help people with Fat & Sugar Withdrawal.  You can take 1000 mg of Chromium Picolinate every day to help ween yourself off of a Sugar Withdrawal, because Chromium Picolinate helps insulin to work better in your body.  You should stop taking Chromium Picolinate as soon as you are off of the Sugar Addiction, according to Dr Melina Jampolis.  You can also take a Vitamin B Complex to help you get over your cravings.  B Complex also boosts the Seratonin in your brain and helps with your mood.  Unlike, Chromium Picolinate, Dr Jampolis said that you can take a Vitamin B Complex every day (not just for a short period).

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